V2: New design coming soon.

Sujoy Kr. Haldar

landing pattern


My Latest Works

Thapa Technical

UI Design

Thapa Technical

Personal website.

Normalized nerd

Design and development.

Coming soon

Normalized nerd

Personal portfolio

The localfeet

Design and development.

The localfeet

Personal travel blog.

The Mindful life

Design and development.

The Mindful life

Mental health and life-style.

Aranya bake club

Design and development.

Aranya bake club

Local cake shop.

Rang welfare foundation

Design and development.

Rang welfare foundation

A non-profit organisation.

landing pattern

Hobby projects

My Randam Projects

Short Freely

Fullstack Application

Short Freely

A URL shortner full stack web application - Javascript Mastery Hackathon Project


API integration


Find & Collaborate with developers across the Globe. (Note: API is not working anymore, you will encounter with 500 Error.)

Hostinger Redesign

Redesign and development

Hostinger Redesign

UI redesign of Hostinger.in

Online Education UI

UI design and development

Online Education UI

UI design of a E-learning site

My Portfolio

Jamstack application

My Portfolio

You already saw it.


API integration


A simple recipe finder application using tradional React.js and spoonacular Api.